Wednesday, September 6, 2023

New YouTube Video: The Next Thing I'm Working On ------------------------------------- About the After-NTCC Life



Monday, September 4, 2023

The Letter Sent to the Kekels and Davis When We Departed New Testament Christian Church in 2006 & Diana's Journal Entry(revised 9/4/23)


In Case You Weren't Directed Here From My YouTube Video--Which Served As An Introduction:

(Click Link Below)

YouTube Video Introduction

As you click on teach of these links to my Slideshare page, 
you might land on a redirect page 
(or not) 
Just click on that top link and
you'll be good to go.  
This is done by Google to keep things all 
nicey-nice and to keep things safe and sound.

I created these links because the individual pages were difficult to read on the blog 

Departure Letter, Page 2

Departure Letter, Page 3

Departure Letter, Page 4

Departure Letter, Page 5

Departure Letter, Page 6

Departure Letter, Page 7

Departure Letter, Page 8

Departure Letter, Page 9

Departure Letter, Page 10

Departure Letter, Page 11

Departure Letter, Page 12

Departure Letter, Page 13

Departure Letter, Page 14

Departure Letter, Page 15

Departure Letter, Page 16

Departure Letter, Page 17

Diana's Journal Entry From the Night In December, 2003 When

George Jordan Got Up In A Service in Graham, WA

And Called

R.W. Davis, The Founder of NTCC

An Apostle & Other Absurdities

Page 1

Page 2

                                                                                Page 3

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Please let me know if there is anything that didn't work correctly and I'll get the staff (which consists of me, myself and I) to get right on it.