Sunday, April 7, 2024

Part One: The Servicemen's Homes in New Testament Christian Church (NTCC) --Maps & Testimonial Comments - Please Take Note Of These & Avoid!!

Part One: The Servicemen's Home & Church Model 

                          I've interspersed some testimonies/comments AND videos from the                              Stay Away From NTCC YouTube Channel 

Sierra began her experience in NTCC as the spouse of a military member. 
While he was deployed overseas, she and her small child  began attending the 
New Testament Christian Servicemen's Home & Church
in Fort Riley, KS

3.8 miles from Fort Sill, Oklahoma

5.5 miles  from Fort Drum, New York

"Some are more skilled at this manipulative tactic than others. When they're heavy 
on the love bombing, moments like these are more palatable. This is how they get you. It's really an exercise to prep them for their seminary. 
By the time they get to Graham, they're more than ready to obey their overlords. The churches throughout the organization are there to vet potential cult members. When they arrive at NTCS, they have officially joined the cult and surrendered any remaining autonomy. 
The lordship of Jesus comes secondary to their leaders. Of course, they would say otherwise, but that is practically how it is. It is ALL about control. Money and power. If you don't dance on command, shout on command, lift your hands on command, then your salvation, loyalty and suitability for ministry are brought into question. 
Then you're stuck. You can't leave the group and "stay saved" according to them, and they control whether or not you're behind their pulpit, but "woe is you if you preach not the gospel". So the alternative is to comply and go along with their charades, or do what many of us have done: remove yourself from these toxic, ungodly leaders and serve the Lord Jesus in freedom and true holiness elsewhere."

6.4 miles from Camp Pendleton, California

"I am ashamed to have contributed to this organization in the past and for this I ask God for forgiveness 😢 these are the type of people who turn people away from God … they have no love in their heart none whatsoever and sooo much pride God hates pride"

10.5 miles from Fort Carson, Colorado

Approx. 6.1 miles from Buckley Space Force Base

"One of the things that made me leave, it was actually the straw that broke the camels back, was the shunning. My wife had someone unfriend her because they thought that we had left. To their credit, they reached out and explained why and didn’t realize we were still apart of the group. But at that point, I was done. I was born again before NTCC , and spent almost 15 years in the organization. I knew there were other followers of Christ out there and could no longer deal with the spirit of exclusivity they exhibited. I have nothing against anyone but will not hesitate to tell my experiences. I never at any time regret that God allowed me to be a part of them because every thing He allows us to go through is for our good."

21.6 miles from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina

5 miles from Fort Riley, Kansas 

Servicemen's Home, Fort Riley, KS

"Servicemen's Home Schedule for people living in the home.

Monday Night - Dinner
Tuesday Night - Soul Winning
Wednesday Night- Church
Thursday - No event (Field Day for Barracks)
Friday - Bible Study
Saturday Morning - Soul Winning
Saturday Night - Church
Sunday Morning 9:30 Church
Sunday Morning 11:30 Church
Sunday Night Church 

This doesn't include frequent prayer meetings and picking up/dropping off people for events. Fellowship at the home was after most evening services and Bible studies.      All of this on top of military obligations.

I tried to squeeze some bible reading in on my lunch breaks but fell asleep most of the time. One time I went to my room at the home during fellowship to read, but the pastor came and got me and said that he understands bible reading is important, but that I should be in fellowship. I complied."

5.9 miles from Fort Stewart, Georgia

"Thank you for sharing that.  The schedule stood out to me when I looked on the main organizational website for each Servicemen's home location.    I recall the extreme  pressure on time. I always wondered if a brother in the home was feeling really tired from work and whatnot....could they just go in and lie down.  I've heard from many who  said....No, they could not."


"I have to one up on you. We also had Soul winning on Thursday on that list. So we had no days off. Jacksonville North Carolina. 1998 through 2004"

11.8 miles to Fort Bragg 
(she holds her nose & writes: Fort Liberty)

"The BAH was encouraged of single soldiers to acquire and then to give to the home as a gift offering."

Across the Street from Camp Carrol, Gate 4

"When I was an E4 and single, the barracks for my unit was becoming too full, so they gave us housing allowances and we moved out in town. Later, I moved into the servicemen's home and was to pay half of my BAH (housing) and half of my BAS (meals). This is in addition to tithe and offerings. Before I moved in, all of my BAH went to apartment rent, so saving money was an incentive for me to move in the home.
Other single brothers who didn't have BAH paid a different amount. I think it was $150/mo at the time."

"Overall, I had a good experience. I felt loved by the pastor and his wife and didn't feel like he used the pulpit to bully people and he didn't come across as a meddler to me. I just remember it being reeeeealy busy all the time. There was no real personal time. 
One time though, there was a fellowship meeting and RWD was in town. One of the visiting pastors went on and on about how great RWD was and how blessed we were to be a part of his ministry. I don't remember much else about what he said but it made me very uncomfortable. After he was done speaking, my pastor addressed the congregation and said that although we appreciate RWD, we don't worship men. That put me at ease. Later at the home, we were all sitting around fellowshipping and some ladies brought RWD some coffee. He said something like, "this is coffee? It tastes like old dirty socks". They apologized and remade the coffee. After the second cup came out, he tasted it and said basically the same thing. I don't remember being offended by it, but it's something that stuck with me and I definitely think that was an inappropriate and unkind thing to say. Everyone just made their typical, nervous laughs and moved on."

Approx. 11 minute walk to Camp Humphrey's Walk-In Gate
(according to Google Maps)

"I was in the Air Force. I started attending NTCC under Virgo and was moved to Woodbrook prior to the split. He told me before I left to not tell them I was getting BAH. I didn’t heed that was “encouraged” to give half to the home. I didn’t have a problem with that but wanted to confirm the previous comment."

"I know cuz I use to be a Pastor in one of those homes."

3.8 miles from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii

"In Servicemen’s Homes, it use to be that it was highly suggested you have a vasectomy and you are not allowed to show any romantic feelings or personal contact such as holding hands, hugging, or kissing your wife."

Approximately 2.1 miles to Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington

"I don't know what it was like to be a child in NTCC. I can say that from the time I was there, there may be one or two that were children that did not leave and are a part of NTCC today.  NTCC at that time offered nothing for youth beyond a nursery that I am Aware of. When I left, I saw that it was not uncommon for churches to hold youth rallies and even summer camps that were very lovely.  Local churches participated and funded these activities. I also remember feeling very unprepared to work with youth because we were never taught it nor encouraged that way.  In fact, I think back now and remember comments how that children hindered ministry.  I remember hearing RWD lament when a pastor told him that the wife was pregnant. He went on about how that this man could not support himself and they decided to bring a child into the world.  He then said, "congratulations on your 68 thousand dollar investment" I don't know how children could have heard those things and not felt unwanted."

"Davis' attitude about children is what spawned the whole VASECTOMY generation of NTCC preachers....snip, snap, snip, snap.  Vasectomy, then the Reversal, and sometimes they got a second vasectomy.  Do you know how cruel and heartless that is?   Do you know that's what cults do?  omg.   It bothers me so much how much that man destroyed families and marriages and men's bodies."

Approximately 5.1 miles from Fort Wainwright

"Exactly right! I remember to a man in his twenties who had said that he wished to get a vasectomy for the sake of the ministry. Even now, many of our piers are could be grandparents but never had children. Of course that is up to them but, I myself am glad to know that if I pass before my wife does that our children and grandchildren will be a source of comfort to her. Many will be surprised to learn that the organization is not going to be responsible for caring for the widows."


"As far as accommodating  people who are not proficient in English, there was never any accommodations at the Bible school. In fact,  this lack of accommodation even filtered down to the local church level in that no Spanish services were allowed nor interpretation for non English speakers. I spoke to RWD once on this and he seemed disconnected to the fact that some people are just more comfortable hearing preaching in their own language. Not to mention the imposition of the KJV on non English speakers. He stated his reasoning for this prohibition to be that he did not want the organization to be full of illegals. YES he told me that personally. It's funny that they will call an all Spanish church racist but will not employ that title where it is forbidden in essence to minister to them in their native tongue. NTCC has no concept of cultural distinctives being a dynamic in where people choose to worship. Even among American churches, a church in rural west Virginia will be nothing like a church in NYC. They have set up a cookie cutter pattern that is expected to be followed and allow no room for cultural differences.  The assemblies of God, southern Baptist, Nazarene churches are all welcoming of non English speaking churches into their denominations, and NTCC is supposed to be the church of all nations? Laughable."

Approx. 8.5 miles from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

"Early 80s I started donating to "missions" while living at the servicemen's home. I continued throughout Bible school and, 2 years in the field up until the day I exited NTCC. I donated simply because I was told something like what Kekel is saying in this clip about having a "burden". So I donated for many years not knowing if this place in the Philippines ever existed."

"Many of us gave to missions and there was never any accountability as to how the funds were used."

Approx. 4.7 miles from McChord AFB/Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington

"...indeed for years I too heard and unfortunately participated in it. if someone left it was shun them act like you never knew them. They have left G-d … when I left I had lost my marriage, I lost my friends, but I gained a closer relationship with G-d!"

Approx. 23.5 mi from Fort Rucker (Now Fort Novosel), AL

Approx. 11.6 mi from Fort Moore, GA

Approx. 26.2 miles from Little Rock AFB, AR

Approx. 3.5 miles from Little Rock AFB, AR

Approx. 11.6 miles from Luke AFB, AZ

Approx. 9 miles from Army Reserve Herrera Annex

Approx. 6.3 miles from Fort Huachuca, AZ 

To Be Continued.
Stay tuned for Part Two