Thursday, August 3, 2023

Remember When Watching TV Was the Sign of a Heart Crossed Up with God?

I'm really not sure how the leadership of NTCC can remain so void of self-awareness and so full of hypocrisy. 

Back in 2004, many of us in Graham were personally asked by the Kekels to post our positive testimonies on a Cult Awareness Forum called 

There was a young couple who had left the group and the wife answered a question that someone posed on this forum.  Their daughter had become involved with NTCC and the lady was concerned due to changes in her behavior and distancing herself from her family....just the normal routine stuff for followers of this group.

Though I didn't want to hear anything negative about NTCC at the time, I didn't think the young lady who was once a "sister" said anything in a cruel way as she was portrayed by the leaders.

At one point, Kekel swooped in as The Whirlwind.  He didn't use his real name.  I knew who it was because I was privy to that information, but no one else was supposed to...though most, of course, did....mostly due to his snarky way and personality which caused him to judge harshly without getting enough information first.  He was knee-jerk judgmental and even had to dole out several apologies because of the cruel things he said. 

This is just a snippet of a much longer post from Kekel and it is one that many of us who left found offensive and was one of the many straws which eventually broke the camels back and opened our minds to the truth of this group.

So, this snippet is from 2004.   Kekel is openly and publicly calling out this young man because a "brother" saw him come out of a video rental store....possibly something akin to the now defunct Blockbuster Video.  

In hindsight, I find this so deeply awful because the Kekel's own son was watching movies on his computer as were others.    Kekel assumes it was a TV the young man was going to watch his movie on and we see what his viewpoint was about TV watching in 2004.  Did it matter whether someone watched a movie on a TV screen or a computer screen ?

Let's go back to a time 12 years before this post from Kekel as the Whirlwind: 

When I went to my first conference in Missouri in 1992, I was shocked to learn that several of my fellow brothers and sisters were so afraid of the TVs on the dressers in their motel rooms at the Country Inn in Center, MO, that they would do one of two things...turn it to face the wall or throw a towel over it.  I was like.....What?   But, I thought maybe they were really addicted to the TV in their unsaved days and didn't want to backslide.  

Either that, or they thought the TV could turn itself on.

Either that or they thought their standing with god would be compromised by just being in a room with a TV.

Davis used to refer to the Internet as the Sinnernet and TV was not only not allowed, but folks were mocked if they were found to be sitting anywhere there was a hospital ER waiting room and the like.   

In the service Mike Kekel preached on 7/30/23 in Graham, he admitted that back in 1992 while in the hospital with Tanya during her labor, that he watched the TV in the room.  He watched a Benny Hinn service. (Google him).   

Interesting the timeframe that he placed himself in.  That was definitely during a time when TV was so evil that it exposed the desires of your heart if you didn't turn it off if it was within your power to do so. Like asking a nurse to turn it off.   

People were judged as having evil desires if they went home to visit family....who very likely would have a TV and they didn't leave the room.    

No wonder families were concerned for their loved ones in New Testament Christian Church....because  they rarely visited and when they did, they would go out of their way to not be around the Evil Eye.  

It's OK to judge everyone else without context and by outward appearances only as seen here by Kekel as he calls out this young man. 

I truly wonder how those who were in when I was and even longer than I was, can soothe their minds when they see all the changes in the group. Are they just happy the rules have softened?  Did they go right out and buy a TV ?   

It's really OK to ask questions.   
Allow yourself to wonder and explore what you are 
really involved in . 
Fair warning though:  once you do that, there is no turning back.  


Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in New Testament Christian Church - Part Four - Viewpoint From a Child Who Grew Up in NTCC

 This fourth installment is another of my daughter's writings from when we left NTCC in 2006

This one is about wigs.

Now, I will say that I told her I wasn't sure about some of the information in there.  She was writing from recall.  Though I know someone was with me when I bought the wig, I can't say it was Verna and Tanya or even one of them, but someone was there to show me which hair piece to choose and how to blend it in with my hair and I'm not sure who else that would've been since they were the ones who talked me into it in the first place.   It did not originate in my mind.   No sir 

That was something I didn't want to do.  I didn't want to buy a wig.   I didn't want to spend the money on it. I didn't want to wear it.  My hair was so fine and thin and I was losing it from all of the teasing and spraying and combing and brushing and hair drying and hot rollers.  Oy.  Makes me exhausted just thinking of it. 

So, I wanted to make that disclaimer before you read what she wrote, but otherwise, I wasn't going to change anything.  This was her point of view at the time as a girl who grew up entirely, from the womb, under the requirements of New Testament Christian Church. 

My daughter and I were discussing these hair posts earlier today.  She said that everyone always wondered how Tanya's hair always looked the same and the only way anyone else achieved that was with hair pieces and wigs.  

Regarding wigs:  she also made the comment that if your hair is how you bring glory to god, then why cover it up ?  Why cover up the authentic you?   Isn't that the same as covering your authentic face with makeup to cover whatever isn't right or blemished?

I was thinking just now as I'm posting this:  Are they trying to fool someone by wearing a wig?  I mean, is god fooled?  Does he look down and see the thinning, straggly hair and think:  "Cover that junk up--that doesn't bring me glory"  and then you don a head full of fake hair and he sighs with relief:  "ah, that's better" ? 

Or is it the opposite:  is he asking:  "What are you doing?   You know I can see you, right?

Everyone in church knows you have a wig on.  

It's creepy and weird.   It reminds me of the Jewish women who wear a sheitel.  

It felt so humiliating.  It just wasn't me.   It was like I had a heavy hat on and when my face moved to the right, my hair didn't move with me.  I was looking at the inside of my wig.  I had to learn to move my head in a totally unnatural way.  And that brought glory to god, how?  

I love that last part:   "....on the wig"   Funny, but not funny too.


Remember:  If you'd like to comment, you can do it Anonymously or you can contact me through the contact form and again, you don't have to say who you are.   

Thank you.

The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in New Testament Christian Church - Part Three - Viewpoint From a Child Who Grew Up in NTCC

 My daughter recently showed me some writings she authored after our family left this group in 2006.

She has always kept journals and the like and here she wrote two pieces about hair:

One on Hair

One on Wigs 

I'm not going to elaborate.  I'll let her perspective speak for itself.  

Clearly the child wrote this for her eyes only - as a sort of record and it wasn't meant to be submitted to be graded or criticized for bad spelling and grammar. 

  Remember:  If you'd like to comment, you can do it Anonymously or you can contact me through the contact form and again, you don't have to say who you are.   

Thank you.

The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in New Testament Christian Church - Is It Really A Bible Thing? - Part Two

 After we left NTCC , we called and apologized to those we invited out to church and/or had any kind of part in their lives where this group was concerned. We also called those who got out before us and who tried to call and let us know, only to have us hang up on them and not hear them out.  Shunning was and is the order of the day. 

New Testament Christian Church does not want you hearing what anyone who is out has to say.  And for good reason.  

I am so thrilled to report that after we got out, we were fortunate to hook up with a great group of people who were writing online in order to persuade people who to leave. We also participated in the discussion forums.   In 2004, we posted our positive testimonies (as asked to do by the Kekels) and when we got out, we, along with others, told our stories of how NTCC was/is a church cult. 

I have to thank so many, but off the top of my head are Mick, Leah, Vic, Linda, Sarah, Ryan and Kevin.  They were relentless in speaking the truth even when Kekel and others showed up online to deride and mock them and their families. 

When people write of shared experiences, no one can say, "That never happened" All they can do is either agree or ignore and repress what they know is absolutely true and absolutely happened.

There was a site called  

Many of us contributed, but my ex-husband broke much of the writing he did down by topic. 

Here is the one on Hair in its entirety.


Most of what is written in the second half of Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians is given in direct answer to questions raised by the believers at Corinth. Had they never raised these questions, Paul may never have seen fit to open the various topics for discussion (and before anyone protests that the Holy Spirit is the true Author, bear in mind that He also would not have addressed these topics except in response to these questions, seeing as they are generally ignored elsewhere in the text). In the eleventh chapter we encounter a passage that reveals something about the Corinthian church. It appears that they were wrangling with one another over the subject of head coverings (or veils) for women.


  Among the Jews and Greeks it was customary for women to wear veils in public. Those who were seen outside their homes without a covering of some sort were supposed to be prostitutes or pagan priestesses. It is doubtful that normal people would rigidly adhere to such uniform customs without exception, but this is what the historical record points to as a stereotypical custom. 

The practice of wearing veils was intended to depict the woman’s social station as beneath that of the man. Due to this very common impression of propriety, many at Corinth believed it was unwise to set aside the good example of women everywhere, and therefore expedient as Christians to continue to enforce this standard of dress, so as not to identify with the unrighteous. 

But there was another party at Corinth who deplored such needless outward signs, who insisted that women ought to be free to appear in the church unveiled, since there is no difference in Christ. Their protest was evidently strong enough to merit attention and precipitate inclusion of the matter in the list of questions they sent to the Apostle Paul.

  Paul deals with the issue in wisdom, attempting to ameliorate the dispute between the two factions, and never even hints at the creation of a new doctrine for The Church. Indeed, it would be senseless to assume that the Apostle would resort to inventing doctrines as a reaction to localized behavior. He addresses the topic by beginning with a recapitulation of the various tenets involved and their overall meaning with regards to social station. 

He addresses the Anti-veil party with this reminder in order to provide balance to his reasoning, knowing that he will come down on their side in the end. He then turns to the Pro-veil party and appeals to their sense of proportion, hoping they will appreciate the Liberty they have in Christ when they read his conclusions. He assures them of the merits of their arguments, and gives them an easy out by certifying a woman’s hair as a natural, God-given covering. 

Having covered this ground very delicately he then summarizes, stating flatly that in the Church there is no custom concerning the covering of the head. This is the goal toward which Paul is working, and which he most skillfully attains. He then quickly and abruptly changes the subject.

  The fact that Paul’s argument is from Nature (does not even nature teach you…?) gives legitimacy to those who would argue that a woman’s hair should be long. Nevertheless, his entire point in stating this was to sell the Pro-veil party on the idea that no other covering was necessary. Ultimately he pushes the entire custom aside with his final words on the subject, saying “we [meaning the Church] have no such custom.” This entire passage was intended to put an argument to rest, not to start millions of new arguments over the length of hair. Least of all did Paul intend to institute a new doctrine for the Church which neither Christ nor any of the twelve saw the need to address.

  To take this several steps further and claim that a woman who cuts her hair AT ALL, for any reason, is a rebel “against God” and subject to all the hellfire reserved for those who practice witchcraft, is nothing less than criminal neglect of appropriate spiritual guidance. 

New Testament Christian Church is guilty of this crime, having insisted as one of its primary underpinnings that women must never cut their hair. To do so is interpreted as rebellion, and the verse is then cited concerning rebellion being “as the sin of witchcraft”. No exceptions are allowed for any reason, and no guilty person escapes the judgment of those who wax bold to assess her spiritual state by eye-balling her hair length in conjunction with any and all evidence of a recent trim.

  We have called this teaching an “underpinning” of NTCC, and it is. R.W. Davis felt indignation on behalf of Almighty God because many churches were “compromised”, having relaxed enforcement of the hair doctrine, allowing women to get away with cutting their hair, which evidently meant that they were rebellious, hated God, despised righteousness, made fools of their husbands and wanted “to run the church”. 

The truth is that he, like many Ultra-conservatives of his era, did not make the effort to understand what the scripture was saying. As is often the case with self-appointed “leaders”, he interpreted his ignorant bias as a sign, thinking that he stood alone and was therefore “called of God” to set things straight and point out to the world the meaning of sin. It was dangerous thinking like this that set him on a course to start yet another organization of churches that would teach and enforce a man’s opinions as though they were the commandments of God.


  One might ask: Does not Nature also teach you that a woman’s fingernails should be longer than those of a man? Should she then be forbidden from cutting them?

  NTCC promotes themselves as an elite Corp of Bible believers who refuse to “compromise” God’s Word as others have done. 

The entire atmosphere of the group is pregnant with vicious implications that arise from such a belief, and the average member or minister believes deep down that, all lip service to the contrary notwithstanding, the words of one of their current leaders are true: 

“If you think you can leave this organization and still serve God, you’d better think again.” 

Part of their claim to exclusivity is their rigid stance on what they refer to as “the hair question.” What makes this such a deceptive dogma is the fact that there IS NO hair question. It is something that is invented for the purpose of exclusive claims to salvation.

  In summary: some theologians are very concerned about applying the Bible principle of the necessity of two or three witnesses. Therefore they say that every doctrine (this is admittedly a stretch) must be confirmed by a plurality of scriptural passages before it should be applied dogmatically. 

If this principle were in view where “the hair question” is concerned, then the entire doctrine would be considered non-essential at most, questionably vague at least. It is only brought up in one single place, in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Neither Jesus nor any of the twelve ever raised “the hair question”. It simply was not a matter of great importance–was not, in fact, even worth mentioning at all. 

The other churches in other regions (who did not have the benefit of New Testament writings) were unaware of the situation and lived out their lives in blissful ignorance of “the hair question”. 

Had the Corinthian church never involved itself in this useless dispute, this particular teaching of Paul’s would not have been necessary and “the hair question” would be unknown in the church to this day.

  Furthermore, obsession with this false so-called “hair question” genders stupid questions concerning specific length and style, and innumerable hypothetical situations in which someone must take upon themselves to judge “what’s allowed and what’s not allowed”; questions about which normal, functioning adults would never spend time worrying. 

Was Paul simply wasting space in the Bible? No, he was resolving a contentious situation, while providing a highly instructive example of how such matters ought to be handled. 

  Nowhere does the scripture raise the hair question. The ‘question’ that was raised was a question that originated in a rancorous debate within the church at Corinth. As to Nature, and the dictum that long hair is a glory to a woman: it is illogical to assume that the converse would imply unrighteousness; that to cut the hair is a sin. 

By no means does Paul suggest this, yet NTCC is audacious enough to state the case unequivocally. If Paul imagined that he had laid this debate to rest, he must not have banked on the emergence of such careless schismatics as New Testament Christian Church.  

Please remember, as stated in the previous first post about Hair, that these were the thoughts of one person from 2006.   It is not meant as something you should cleave to and employ, but rather, to realize that there are other options.

NTCC is not correct on this.   That is my personal opinion on July 30, 2023.

You can read Part One on Hair here.


Remember:  If you'd like to comment, you can do it Anonymously or you can contact me through the contact form and again, you don't have to say who you are.   

Thank you.

The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in New Testament Christian Church - Is It Really A Bible Thing? - Part One

  Good Morning!

As promised, here is the post about Holiness Hair

I'll be including four separate writings on the subject, spaced over four posts.

What is my purpose for doing this?

My purpose is two-fold:

1- To make you aware of the NTCC outward holiness doctrine where hair is concerned

2-To encourage you to realize there may be more than the NTCC way to view what is written in the bible.  

I'd love it if you would do your own research and not rely on some guy behind a pulpit to tell you what to think and how to act and how to dress and how to maintain your hair  and if you don't, then you're rebellious and being rebellious is as the sin of witchcraft and clearly witches are not going to heaven.

This group does not invite questions nor do they appreciate them. 

I know this from my years of being entangled with them, but also, all one has to do is watch the many videos of Mike Kekel preaching in Graham, WA where he plainly says that those who ask questions have a heart problem (paraphrase).

Many of the preachers in this group mock those who ask questions. 


Maybe you already know why, but are afraid to admit it to yourself. 

I truly want to see those who are in this group stop a moment, step back and think about all you've seen and heard through the years. It's not an easy thing to do.  You are thoroughly conditioned not to step back and you're definitely not encouraged to think in any way other than what you're told.  

Truth brings Freedom. 

When you finally allow your brain to think logically and to question the NTCC doctrines, you'll be like...."Why didn't I see this sooner?"  As long as you eventually realize what's going on, that's what counts, even if it has come after decades and decades and decades of devoted service to this group.  

When we first left NTCC on January 1, 2006, my ex-husband wrote a 17-page letter to the Kekels and to Davis. It wasn't the first time they learned of what had been going on in the church we assumed the pastorate of in early 2005, and not just that situation, but we informed them of others as well.  The church members all had similar stories of preachers they'd encountered through the years in NTCC.  

At first, we thought there were a few rogue preachers who were like a cancer to the group, but then it hit us...(after much back and forth with the Kekels and Davis and Olson and their lack of concern)....that it wasn't a few rogue preachers.  This WAS the organization and those demanding, money-loving, power-hungry narcissists were just like Davis.  They emulated him.

Once you come to the realization, your mind makes that when we used to rewind cassette tapes...that whirring....that fast rewind noise it makes as it goes back to the very beginning.  Playing back the tape....the record of our entire time in NTCC... and that's when it hits you like a ton of bricks.   OMG - how did we get to this place?  Why did we overlook all that didn't make sense and all of the horrible ways Davis and Kekel and so many others treated people....treated us.   

So, we left.  

Hair is a thing I'd like to address because they use it as a way to say they are different.  They claim they are following the old paths and the old ways.  They claim to follow ALL of god's rules and yet, when you look in the book to find it for yourself and when you do your own historical research as to the validity of it all -- it's just not there. 

This first bit is a portion of the 17-page letter that my ex-husband wrote to Davis and the Kekels to explain the myriad of things we had issues with and why we could no longer be a part of the group. Keep in mind, this is from the timeframe Dec '05/Jan '06.   What is written here may not necessarily be the same sentiments either of us might express today, just over 17 years later.  

Here is my challenge to you:  

If you find anything in here that makes you say ..."hmmm, I've wondered about this or I've thought about that myself"...then I would say, let it be something that you further explore on your own.  Come to your own conclusion and not what has been shoved down your throat.  I'm not sharing this to say...hey, believe this way instead.  No, no, no..... not the point at all. 

It's about you allowing your mind to explore.  You have to allow it to open up.  It's been trained to remain shut tight. Please give yourself permission to think on your own.  

If you believe in the bible and Jesus, then would he go through what he did in order to save your soul, only to send you to hell for being a rebellious wretch because you trimmed your dead ends?  Or, being god, who is able to see into the future and having all knowledge of  how twisted the scriptures would become and how they'd be used as weapons in the hands of those who claim to be his ambassadors ...couldn't he have made the hair issue a real clear thing instead of it being so wedged that it requires the crane of a called man of god to pull it out so he could tell you that verses which clearly aren't speaking about new testament believers, are? 

The bible isn't supposed to be some sort of weird escape room where everything is in riddles (is it? or is it?) and only leaders can interpret the true meaning and by agreeing with them, you get to escape, and if not, then you wander around until the day of reckoning finds you in hell---trapped in the room trying to answer the riddles.  If you believe you are called of god to preach.....then look at it for yourself and come to your own conclusion.  Or maybe you might have to admit that you were never called, but were nudged in that direction.  

I'll tell you this--by just going along and not questioning, you are enabling these cultists and harming anyone who comes within your orbit when you pass along the same harmful teachings.  Teachings that will cause men and women to separate themselves from their loved ones and friends in order to be a part of god's exclusive elite special we heard it called many, many times.   

You may find yourself in a place of progression after you open your mind.  You likely won't know what to believe and if you still do or not.   You will have to figure all of that out for yourself, as the rest of us have had to.  

Here is Part One of The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in NTCC

Remember:  If you'd like to comment, you can do it Anonymously or you can contact me through the contact form and again, you don't have to say who you are.   

Thank you.