Contact INFO

You can contact me...even if it's just to be unkind.   It will not bother me in the least.

Back in 2006 and beyond when I was writing in order to assist those who were still in New Testament Christian Church (NTCC), I received many kind emails.  I kept receiving emails up until a handful of years ago.  The last one I received was from a mom who had written to ask me questions about her son who was in the military and being badgered by members of New Testament Christian Churches of America.  He eventually gave in and went to a service or two and when they laid the pressure on to 'get in', the mom was ready with information to share with her son and as a result, he never went back.   She wrote to tell me the good news.   

There were only a couple of really nasty emails which I received back when the NTCCExposed blog was up and running.   One person couldn't find the courage to sign their name and the other one did.   I kept those emails as a reminder of the mindset which I once espoused.  

The person who thought they'd sent an anonymous email didn't realize they submitted some information which exposed who they were.  So, look yours over before hitting that send button and before the "unsend" button disappears.  

The lady who wrote the nasty email...well, I'm not sure what her point was....possibly to make me cringe and slink back into the hole she thought I crawled out of, but it's all okay because I totally understood at the time.  Fortunately, I understand now way more than I did then.  

This is serious to me.  As I've done my research I've been both very glad to see the dwindled numbers in churches and in attendance since I left 17 years ago (this past January), but also sad to see some of the same people who have been stationed in outposts of this group for a very long time.  I see them and they look unhappy in their pictures and I truly believe there is a measure of feeling trapped in their hearts. 

I think the lost look on some of their faces is due to the fact they've seen the changes over the years and maybe cannot reconcile it with how things were when they first entered what they believed to be a God-called ministry.   Maybe like the rest of us, they thought this was god's last great move on earth to reach souls.  

To Contact Me:   

Fill in the Contact Form and it will go to my email address.  From there, I can share my phone number and other pertinent info.   

I do have filters on to weed out the spam, but I know that opening myself up and sharing contact info means opening myself up to strange folk who just want to be annoying.   

Once identities can be verified, I have no problem with sharing my Facebook page or phone number.   

I look forward to hearing from you.