Saturday, July 22, 2023

A Baloney Sandwich & A Glass of Kool-Aid: Newest Video on YouTube

 I'll be following up this video with some posts about NTCC and Money this weekend. 

In the meantime, here's the newest video:

YouTube Video

Thursday, July 20, 2023

To All Associated w/the Military: Please Stay Away from the New Testament Christian Churches of America Servicemen's Homes

Our American military members have it difficult enough trying to serve their country with a current administration that has not one single clue about what they're doing.  

They spent twenty-one million dollars to change the names of several bases across the country.  To what end?  

Had they not been so out of touch with what day-to-day life is like for our Soldiers, they would have spent the money on ---oh I don't know...maybe some decent food in the DFAC (have you seen that stuff they try to pass off as edible?) or fix broken armory windows so that Soldiers don't have to sit in a cold facility in the winter and a hot and humid one in the summer, or maybe they'd consider fixing vehicles that are sitting around in need of repair or do something about the high suicide rate....and on and on and on.  Lots of other ways to spend $21 million.

And they wonder why they can't retain and can't recruit. Ask those on the front line that are moved around like pawns in a sick, twisted game. They have answers.

I digress.  

I work for a government contractor.  We move military stuff around the country every single day and so the names of people and bases are before my face forty-five hours a week.  

I'm on a tangent because on top of everything our troops go through, and again, though I was in the Air Force many moons ago...back before you could pull a stress card out in basic training when you were feeling overwhelmed (isn't that the idea? to learn how to cope with being overwhelmed? ) heart is with our Soldiers (and Marines - !Semper Fi! & Sailors)  And because of that special emotional tie, I am fiercely hyped at keeping them from further harm if it is at all within my power.  

And, really, what is my power? It's not much at all.  Quite miniscule actually, but I can go online and write and share my personal stories about the NTCC organization and give you enough information to go on so as to maybe raise a level of doubt and inspire you to stay away.  

I want you and your family to keep your hard-earned money and your military and/or veteran benefits.  But most of all, I want you and your family and friends to stay connected.  I don't want to see you split up and I don't want to see you become one of the NTCC-ites.  When that happens you lose your own personal identity. You will be required to take on the group persona.   

I want you to NOT be persuaded to give up your future in order to attend their school in Graham, WA.  It's a scheme. Sort of like a long con.  I want you to keep your money and your benefits and I want you to go with your gut about these people.  

I know you despise that nasty DFAC food, but better to eat that and save yourself and your loved ones a troubled future than to accept an invitation from someone to go to the local New Testament Christian Church Servicemen's Home for homemade vittles. 

They get you there and act all nicey-nice and then the demands start coming in at you as you make return visits.  First and foremost, they want you to pay tithe in an envelope with your name on it and if you don't do it you'll be preached or taught at and if you put in less than they expect (because they know what you make for your pay grade) - you will hear about that too.  

They'll use the tactic of very direct or indirect suggestive preaching and teaching about being "called" to go to their so-called bible school in order to become a preacher. 

Or maybe it will be your battle buddy who invited you out to the "Home" and they will tell you how awesome it will be.

Having first come across this group in one of their servicemen's homes in Asia, I understand how it feels to maybe feel like you're getting a little piece of home in a strange land.  I get it.  But that's the hook.  Maybe you are a lonely military spouse with your loved one deployed.  It's totally understandable that you would fall for the friendliness and food.   

Having said that, the pressure to "get in" will come soon enough.  

Since I began writing on this blog, I've had several write. They have absolutely validated for me that the same strong-arm tactics that have always been used in the Servicemen's Homes are still going on today.   

This group is in business to make money.  They say it in their online church services.  They consider a church to be successful only if it is making money. 

That's it.  They are obsessed.  It's a large portion of what they talk about.

They need you to take the bait.  They need you to believe that you have to fork over to them 10% of your gross income and if you don't, then you are robbing god.  

And you have to put the tithe in an envelope with your name on it. Ask for a receipt when you do that and see what happens.  At least if you are able to pay online you have that as a receipt, but online convenience is not a reason to give them one single dime. 

It's very easy to think that you don't know enough about spiritual things because you haven't "been around" as long as some of these men in the NTCC pulpits.  

If you are wise enough to go with our gut and stay away from these people, then you know way more than they do and you know more than I did when I was in for over 17 years before I finally woke up to what was going on and got out. 

If you have a loved one who has gotten ensnared by this group and you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out via the contact form in the right sidebar of this blog.  If I can't help you, maybe I can find someone who is able. 

You can find out if there is a New Testament Christian Church in your city or state or near your base by looking it up on their website under the tab: Locate Us.  Once you know that, you can be on high alert.

If your loved one or friend is already attending a Servicemen's Home and you notice them becoming distant from you or not staying in contact or just acting very different, then please act on it. I can't say there is any certain way to persuade them away. Every situation is unique, but please don't leave it to chance.  

Do your own research and if you need help or direction, again, I am here to help do just that. It's the sole reason for my online effort to keep people away from this place.

This topic will be covered in more detail in future posts.

You can also go to my YouTube Channel and see if anything there helps to answer any questions. 

Thank you.