Sunday, May 28, 2023

My Hope For This Blog

It's a plain and simple hope.  

I'd like to provide resources to help those who were involved in New Testament Christian Churches of America...either by choice or by being brought into the group as a child and having no choice at all in  whether you could stay or leave.   

My desire is to post enough information so as to deter those who are being proselytized by this group. 
I was reached when I was in the Air Force overseas and so I know the focus this church places on getting military members secured as congregants.   They adore the steady income G.I.s provide.  
They have civilian churches too, but those folks do not succumb to their tactics and demands as readily as those who have been trained in the military forces.

As I begin this blog, I will tell you that I have a ton of information to share.   I was thinking at first to populate it before launching, but have since changed my mind.   It would  take too long.  

I've spent months looking at every single Facebook page of every single church in NTCC.  I've grabbed screenshots and video clips.   I do this mostly for the sake of those who are out and might like to see how much this group has compromised (their own preached and taught doctrines) since we were all in.  We'll see all the ways God has changed.  He must have.  There is no other explanation, unless it is that they are now allowing activities to be done in the open which long ago and faraway garnered threats of ministers losing their license to preach and teach and church members being told they weren't right with God.  

I've also found a way to delve into the deep internet and find passages of discussion boards going back to 2004.  If you recall....and I sure do...that was when everything busted loose and Davis and his gang realized they were losing a grip on their control of information.   They found out it was difficult to keep referring to the Internet as the Sinner-net when they themselves were frequenting such forms as Factnet.  

For months I've been watching videos of preachers all across the world from this church, since they now require all churches to stream their services.   It was not easy.  It was in fact, an arduous task, but I wanted to do that so no one could say I am presenting information based on hearsay.  I've heard it and seen it with my own ears and eyes.    

For those who are maybe having some difficulty with being out or with trying to leave....especially those with family still behind the fence....because you know and have seen how they shun and try to destroy the reputations of those who leave.....I will be sharing what I hope is helpful information.  

I want you to be assured that you are not alone and that with each passing month and year away from and out of this group, it's statistically very likely that your friends and family will eventually leave, and if not, you can be happy and fulfilled regardless of how they treat you.

Thanks for stopping by and please reach out to me via the contact form.


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