Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Week Ahead: More Articles, Videos & A Podcast Interview w/My Oldest Daughter

Diana on a run in Kuwait just before the Lockdowns hit in 2019.

I think it's extremely important to hear about the NTCC cult experience from a second-generation member:  someone who was born into the group and had no choice in the matter. 

My oldest daughter has recently opened up quite a bit to me about what it was like for her growing up in New Testament Christian Church. 

The thing that really sets her testimony apart is her life growing up in this organization as compared to that of Tanya and Mike Kekel's son, who was born maybe six months or so after our family arrived to the bible school in Graham, WA. At the time, my oldest daughter was 14 months old and my youngest was a mere 3 months old. Tanya Kekel is the daughter of the founder of NTCC, RW Davis and her husband has been a leader in the group for a long, long time.

My daughter and I decided this past week that it might be a good idea to have her interviewed on the podcast platform.

She is currently a combat medic in the Army and so she has that point of view concerning service members who are preyed upon by this group.   

Further, she was born in the Philippines while I was still serving in the Air Force.  The group was all she'd known up until we left NTCC on January 1, 2006.  A day of both joy and heartache.  Joy, because we were free of the cult experience and heartache, because all of us knew we were going to be shunned and would lose all of our friends.  Our daughters knew too that this would be the case as they'd heard it taught and preached many times.  

We'll break down the interview into parts and each part will cover a different topic.   

We are hoping this will provide another layer of proofs as to why no one should ever walk into one of these churches and along with the after-affects of having been involved.  

Living on campus in Graham, WA - circa 2004 

She was brought into the group with no choice.

She had to leave the group with no choice. 

She will share information such as how the older women of NTCC, the wives of the leaders, take an active roll in grooming very young girls to become preacher's wives and other experiences which no child should have to deal with. 

We hope you'll tune in and find the information useful in whatever way you need it most.  


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