Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Children Who Grew Up In NTCC (New Testament Christian Church) Did Not Have a Choice.

 For those of us who made the decision to not only visit NTCC once, but to continue and then to further feel "led" to attend their so-called bible school--- that's on us.   

For our children, it was a whole different level of choice because they didn't get to make one at all.    

Please do your research before attending any religious group.  

Google the name of the Church and take into consideration any and all criticisms.   Some information is buried deep in the internet archives, such as all of the many thousands of posts about New Testament Christian Church on the old forum where it held a prominent spot as a cult.   

I have listed in the sidebar, a resource book entitled Take Back Your Life, by Janja Lalich.  The book was one of the many books on my shelf which helped me tremendously in understanding what I was involved with after we left the group.   The author herself came out of a political cult and she is a recognized and renowned expert in the field.   

If you won't conduct a thorough research of this group before attending for yourself, then please do it for your family (or your future family if you currently don't have one).  Please. 

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