Friday, August 11, 2023

An Article From 2006 After Our Family Left NTCC Entitled: "GETTING IN"

 After our family left New Testament Christian Church (and I'll be sharing stories and excerpts from the 17-page letter that was sent to Davis and the Kekels when we left this cult - and explain how we came to the realization it was time to go. After seeing Davis' & the Kekel's behavior after revealing to them how many in their organization were authoritarian abusers & lords over their little kingdoms (many still are), they did nothing. That's because they are the top abusers and lords.   As long as the money keeps flowing to Graham, they don't care how it is siphoned from church members. 

For now, I wanted to give you more reading which I know that anyone "in" can relate to. 

Back in 2006, we joined up with several who had left the group before us and together we did our part to write about our many shared experiences.  We fielded phone calls, not just from folks we knew personally, but others who were parents or family members or friends of people entangled with this bunch. Many were service members who had left the barracks to pay to live in one of the NTCC communal homes.   

Leaving a cult is not something you just wake up one day and decide to do, but it is a while in coming.  It is bits of information added to other bits until finally a person just can't do it any longer and they finally give their brain permission to turn back on and to think independently and when that happens, there is no going back. 

Some had success after pointing their loved ones to some of the many articles which were written and posted online and those folks got out.  I'd like to add that body of work from 2006/2007 here too, one article at a time. 

I want to mention two other things first : 

1- We did not associate ourselves with everyone who threw up a blog or wrote articles at that time and there were many.  Some seemed to be all about sharing things they couldn't possibly have had knowledge of. There are many real victims of this group who have made serous accusations, but it seems to me one has to be careful when presenting their stories.  If not done the correct way, it could put them through horrific ordeals all over again just for the sake of drawing in visitors to an online platform.  I don't know.  I just personally found some of the ways experiences were presented as distasteful.  

There was a mass exodus from New Testament Christian Church between 2004 and 2008 and the group has never regained their numbers and for that I am so grateful, but it does cause a group like this to be more aggressive in bringing in new members to make up for the loss.   There is a real push now to get on bases and I'll be sharing that in my next video.   As a result of the massive numbers who left, many took to writing online about their lives behind the fence.  Writing can be a part of a healing process and can also facilitate others leaving.   

Leaving isn't easy because the group uses anything said about them in a negative way as something to point to:  "Look, we are being persecuted!"   "Look, the devil hates us and is fighting!"   

To that I say, don't flatter yourselves NTCC.  To say there is any persecution going on is a slap in the face to those in life who have ever been truly persecuted for their beliefs - whether religious or otherwise.  

NTCC is made up of Leaders who like money and power and who seemingly get a real thrill out of making grown adults ask permission for things the rest of us can do all on our own like invite people over for dinner (more than 2 at a time) or out to lunch or who to court or get to know in a romantic way outside of the watchful eye of the Fellowship Hall Cult Leaders (which is creepy)  or how many kids to have over for a child's birthday party and such like.  

For me, it's all about about putting information out there that can absolutely be corroborated. I like to write about things I have personal knowledge of or have done my research into and am sure that it is squarely based in truth and/or has been seen or heard or experienced by MANY others.   

2- If you've taken the time to visit this space and to read these things, I thank you.  Please don't keep it to yourself.  Share it with others.  Not necessarily this page or blog, but just whatever you've taken away as relevant and relatable.  It's my hearts desire to keep others from getting caught up in this cult and I want to put out there as much information as I can.

When a person or family or battalion or First Sergeant or base chaplain is looking into this organization, they will have to stop and think that there's more to New Testament Christian Churches of America than meets the eye based on all of the similar stories and experiences of those who have been harmed by them on so many levels. 

The First Article I'd like to share is called :


Click the link and I will leave these topical articles in the sidebar so as to locate them easily.  

Thank you! 


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