Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in New Testament Christian Church - Part Four - Viewpoint From a Child Who Grew Up in NTCC

 This fourth installment is another of my daughter's writings from when we left NTCC in 2006

This one is about wigs.

Now, I will say that I told her I wasn't sure about some of the information in there.  She was writing from recall.  Though I know someone was with me when I bought the wig, I can't say it was Verna and Tanya or even one of them, but someone was there to show me which hair piece to choose and how to blend it in with my hair and I'm not sure who else that would've been since they were the ones who talked me into it in the first place.   It did not originate in my mind.   No sir 

That was something I didn't want to do.  I didn't want to buy a wig.   I didn't want to spend the money on it. I didn't want to wear it.  My hair was so fine and thin and I was losing it from all of the teasing and spraying and combing and brushing and hair drying and hot rollers.  Oy.  Makes me exhausted just thinking of it. 

So, I wanted to make that disclaimer before you read what she wrote, but otherwise, I wasn't going to change anything.  This was her point of view at the time as a girl who grew up entirely, from the womb, under the requirements of New Testament Christian Church. 

My daughter and I were discussing these hair posts earlier today.  She said that everyone always wondered how Tanya's hair always looked the same and the only way anyone else achieved that was with hair pieces and wigs.  

Regarding wigs:  she also made the comment that if your hair is how you bring glory to god, then why cover it up ?  Why cover up the authentic you?   Isn't that the same as covering your authentic face with makeup to cover whatever isn't right or blemished?

I was thinking just now as I'm posting this:  Are they trying to fool someone by wearing a wig?  I mean, is god fooled?  Does he look down and see the thinning, straggly hair and think:  "Cover that junk up--that doesn't bring me glory"  and then you don a head full of fake hair and he sighs with relief:  "ah, that's better" ? 

Or is it the opposite:  is he asking:  "What are you doing?   You know I can see you, right?

Everyone in church knows you have a wig on.  

It's creepy and weird.   It reminds me of the Jewish women who wear a sheitel.  

It felt so humiliating.  It just wasn't me.   It was like I had a heavy hat on and when my face moved to the right, my hair didn't move with me.  I was looking at the inside of my wig.  I had to learn to move my head in a totally unnatural way.  And that brought glory to god, how?  

I love that last part:   "....on the wig"   Funny, but not funny too.


Remember:  If you'd like to comment, you can do it Anonymously or you can contact me through the contact form and again, you don't have to say who you are.   

Thank you.

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