Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in New Testament Christian Church - Is It Really A Bible Thing? - Part One

  Good Morning!

As promised, here is the post about Holiness Hair

I'll be including four separate writings on the subject, spaced over four posts.

What is my purpose for doing this?

My purpose is two-fold:

1- To make you aware of the NTCC outward holiness doctrine where hair is concerned

2-To encourage you to realize there may be more than the NTCC way to view what is written in the bible.  

I'd love it if you would do your own research and not rely on some guy behind a pulpit to tell you what to think and how to act and how to dress and how to maintain your hair  and if you don't, then you're rebellious and being rebellious is as the sin of witchcraft and clearly witches are not going to heaven.

This group does not invite questions nor do they appreciate them. 

I know this from my years of being entangled with them, but also, all one has to do is watch the many videos of Mike Kekel preaching in Graham, WA where he plainly says that those who ask questions have a heart problem (paraphrase).

Many of the preachers in this group mock those who ask questions. 


Maybe you already know why, but are afraid to admit it to yourself. 

I truly want to see those who are in this group stop a moment, step back and think about all you've seen and heard through the years. It's not an easy thing to do.  You are thoroughly conditioned not to step back and you're definitely not encouraged to think in any way other than what you're told.  

Truth brings Freedom. 

When you finally allow your brain to think logically and to question the NTCC doctrines, you'll be like...."Why didn't I see this sooner?"  As long as you eventually realize what's going on, that's what counts, even if it has come after decades and decades and decades of devoted service to this group.  

When we first left NTCC on January 1, 2006, my ex-husband wrote a 17-page letter to the Kekels and to Davis. It wasn't the first time they learned of what had been going on in the church we assumed the pastorate of in early 2005, and not just that situation, but we informed them of others as well.  The church members all had similar stories of preachers they'd encountered through the years in NTCC.  

At first, we thought there were a few rogue preachers who were like a cancer to the group, but then it hit us...(after much back and forth with the Kekels and Davis and Olson and their lack of concern)....that it wasn't a few rogue preachers.  This WAS the organization and those demanding, money-loving, power-hungry narcissists were just like Davis.  They emulated him.

Once you come to the realization, your mind makes that when we used to rewind cassette tapes...that whirring....that fast rewind noise it makes as it goes back to the very beginning.  Playing back the tape....the record of our entire time in NTCC... and that's when it hits you like a ton of bricks.   OMG - how did we get to this place?  Why did we overlook all that didn't make sense and all of the horrible ways Davis and Kekel and so many others treated people....treated us.   

So, we left.  

Hair is a thing I'd like to address because they use it as a way to say they are different.  They claim they are following the old paths and the old ways.  They claim to follow ALL of god's rules and yet, when you look in the book to find it for yourself and when you do your own historical research as to the validity of it all -- it's just not there. 

This first bit is a portion of the 17-page letter that my ex-husband wrote to Davis and the Kekels to explain the myriad of things we had issues with and why we could no longer be a part of the group. Keep in mind, this is from the timeframe Dec '05/Jan '06.   What is written here may not necessarily be the same sentiments either of us might express today, just over 17 years later.  

Here is my challenge to you:  

If you find anything in here that makes you say ..."hmmm, I've wondered about this or I've thought about that myself"...then I would say, let it be something that you further explore on your own.  Come to your own conclusion and not what has been shoved down your throat.  I'm not sharing this to say...hey, believe this way instead.  No, no, no..... not the point at all. 

It's about you allowing your mind to explore.  You have to allow it to open up.  It's been trained to remain shut tight. Please give yourself permission to think on your own.  

If you believe in the bible and Jesus, then would he go through what he did in order to save your soul, only to send you to hell for being a rebellious wretch because you trimmed your dead ends?  Or, being god, who is able to see into the future and having all knowledge of  how twisted the scriptures would become and how they'd be used as weapons in the hands of those who claim to be his ambassadors ...couldn't he have made the hair issue a real clear thing instead of it being so wedged that it requires the crane of a called man of god to pull it out so he could tell you that verses which clearly aren't speaking about new testament believers, are? 

The bible isn't supposed to be some sort of weird escape room where everything is in riddles (is it? or is it?) and only leaders can interpret the true meaning and by agreeing with them, you get to escape, and if not, then you wander around until the day of reckoning finds you in hell---trapped in the room trying to answer the riddles.  If you believe you are called of god to preach.....then look at it for yourself and come to your own conclusion.  Or maybe you might have to admit that you were never called, but were nudged in that direction.  

I'll tell you this--by just going along and not questioning, you are enabling these cultists and harming anyone who comes within your orbit when you pass along the same harmful teachings.  Teachings that will cause men and women to separate themselves from their loved ones and friends in order to be a part of god's exclusive elite special we heard it called many, many times.   

You may find yourself in a place of progression after you open your mind.  You likely won't know what to believe and if you still do or not.   You will have to figure all of that out for yourself, as the rest of us have had to.  

Here is Part One of The Doctrine of Holiness Hair in NTCC

Remember:  If you'd like to comment, you can do it Anonymously or you can contact me through the contact form and again, you don't have to say who you are.   

Thank you.

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