Friday, June 30, 2023

Hang On To Your Military Paycheck and G.I. Bill Benefits

There are stories galore of individuals and organizations who have duped active duty military members and veterans out of large portions of their paychecks and/or shystered them out of their G.I. Bill benefits.

It becomes very apparent when you drive on to your first duty station who the people are that are looking to help themselves to your money:  car salesmen, bars, strip joints, predatory lenders, multi-level or direct-sales marketers and too many others to list.  

They also prey on your patriotism and the status of your eternal soul through fake charities and churches.  

I was recently reading an article in Military Times about the CEO of a tech-education company who defrauded the VA out of  Post 9/11 G.I. Bill education benefits. 

A week prior, I was reading about a group called House of Prayer.  Their various churches were raided last June, 2022  They were accused of setting up churches near military installations and creating bible schools which scammed veterans of their G.I. Benefits. 

I'm very familiar with the House of Prayer group.  They are a breakaway faction from New Testament Christian Churches of America based in Graham, WA. I was there the night they made a big show during a church service & got up and walked out. They broke up into their own group but the very basis of their beliefs and tactics were derived from and learned from the Founder of NTCC:  Rodger W. Davis. 

I didn't read all of the legal judgments against the HOP organization, but it does seem like they took steps in order to be accredited by the VA so they could secure monies from veterans.  Former and current military members from all branches were their target congregants and bible seminary students.  And they learned that from NTCC.  

Most of us who were reached by NTCC were in the military.  Most of their churches are near military installations where they are known as servicemen's homes and churches.  

I would so like to be able to get through to you and help you understand that their mission is to get you into their servicemen's homes.  They want you to pay them so that you can ostensibly live in a holy atmosphere free of the ungodly shenanigans which go on in the barracks.   The homes are for single, male G.I.s. 

The second mission behind getting you in the home and paying them to live there is to then get you motivated to attend their bible seminary.   Many of us who wasted our time in their school and their organization, ended up losing our ability to use our G.I. Bill Benefits. We were too late.  There is no way to recover it once the expiration has elapsed. 

Once I left that group in 2006, after having been out of the military since January 1992, I was out of luck when I decided to go to regular college.  I wasn't allowed to work as a married woman while in the group, though I've found out now that many married ladies have side hustles to add to their family finances, but that's a topic for a future post.   The focus of this post is to appeal to you to not be a victim of their hijinks.

If you become a tenant in the servicemen's home, then you will have to continue to deduct money from your paycheck for 10% gross earnings to tithe.  You can't get around that, you will be told that you owe that to god and none of the money you give counts as an offering until you pay your tithe.   Also, you can't just plop that money in the offering receptacle.  It has to be given a certain way.  God will not know unless you put it in an envelope with your name on it and the amount.  The only reason for that is to track you and to monitor your level of "getting in"  

Once you pay tithes, there will be many offerings, pledges, giving things to the pastor and his wife (if he is married), money for rent, and the loss of freedom of your time and energies.

  You will then have to face facts:  the statistics for remaining in this group are not in your favor.  Most who attend their so-called bible school eventually leave the group altogether and they take with them a huge loss of money from their bank account (especially if they are working as fulltime preachers in a church ) and possible loss of your education benefits.    I can promise you that you don't want to be in that predicament.  It's degrading and demoralizing.  You'll feel like an idiot and have to face all of the remarks from family and friends about how they told you so.   And they did and they were right all along.

Recovery is possible and many of us are a testament to that, but it's not the most easy road to traverse.   

I just want you to heed the warning to Stay Away From NTCC

Keep Your Money and Secure your G.I. Bill Benefits. 

I will also refer you to two of the videos I currently have on my YouTube Channel concerning Tithing and Giving.  They are introductory short videos. I am working on more.

 And a last plea: 

Please don't get sidetracked by any positive reviews you may read about the individual servicemen's homes in NTCC on Google or Facebook, etc.  Many of those who leave reviews are preachers or their wives in the church.  They go and review each others churches trying to work the algorithm in a 5-star direction. 

As a quick example:  I chose the New Testament Christian Church & Servicemen's Home in Hinesville, GA.  Several of their Facebook page reviews are of preachers or wives of preachers from their group.  Now, to be fair, some lived in the home or attended the church in Hinesville.   They went on to became preachers through their bible school and so that's all well and good.   But the idea of online reviews, especially for a business (which make no mistake, NTCC is a business), is to have people experience their product or experience and tell about it.  Why leave a review in 2015 about your experience at this location a decade or more prior? It makes no sense.

What I've found with all of the NTCC locations online is that the preachers tend to go on each others pages and give high-praise 5-star reviews.  It borders on disingenuous.

What they don't realize when they do that is they are enabling some really bad players who are running some of these churches like their own kingdoms.   If you don't really know what's going on in a local church or servicemen's home, then you shouldn't be giving them those glowing reviews because you may be leading someone into a situation where they really get taken advantage of and that really bothers me beyond measure. 

     Preacher's wife who attended bible school

Preacher's wife who attended bible school 

                                             Second Generation NTCCer - 

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