Saturday, June 24, 2023

Follow the Money! - Part 1

By way of definition: 

"Follow the Money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties.


I seriously don't know where to start concerning money and NTCC.  It can't be ignored because it's the reason for this organization's very existence.   There is no proof of any other motive.  As I've studied cults, thought reform, authoritarianism (whatever you want to call it), the money is everything. The money in turn gives birth to power and that in turn, the ability to manipulate people--and it loops from there.

Follow the Money!

Though I have a pile of notes and screenshots and memories about New Testament Christian Church on the theme of Money, I want to present it in pieces. It's a lot of information to absorb.  There's really no other way to do it because there's just so much.

My hope is to appeal to three types of people (and when I think about it, three covers just about everyone);

1- Those who are still in the group.

2- Those who left (no matter how long ago or how recent) and are trying to sort out the after-NTCC life.

3- Those who haven't yet walked through the doors of a New Testament Christian Church. I want to prevent them from making that mistake.

I know for a fact that those of you who are still in have seen and heard things money-related and you aren't sure how to process it as it pertains to a christian life. You've never found these doctrines, concepts or behaviors tucked within the pages of your bible.  No worries. Your pastor has been gracious enough to interpret it for you and to show you why you should keep forking over your hard-earned cash to NTCC through him. 

And further, I hope those of you in and who are pursuing a career as an NTCC representative, that you've begun socking away money for your future when you won't be able to work and you'll need to take care of yourself.  Maybe you can build a commune (community of tenants) like Davis and the Kekels have.  That is what they've essentially done and in the next few posts about money, I'll share with you information which shows how those two families have built a property dynasty and in a big way.  They are business people and NTCC is a personal business for them and nothing else.   

I say this with the hope that you will do what you have to do...get a side hustle and make some money if you're going to ignore the glaring problematic issues and remain in the group.  There will be a point when you will have to go to the doctor or you'll be sidelined with a major health issue or just good old fashioned old age will set in and what will you do?   Likely folks in your life such as family have asked you these things already.  It's naïve to just declare..."God will take care of me"   You have to do your part and plan.

If you're fortunate enough to have escaped NTCC's grubby, greedy hands, then I celebrate with you and I will tell you that it will be a journey to sort out what to do with your money now that you have some because you don't have those self-professed agents of the most high god preaching or teaching to you all the ways that you should give unto them, pressed down, shaken together and shoved in their wallets. 

We'll take a look at whether or not there is actually anything to this whole tithe concept used by churches all over the world.  The way they go about it is mostly where I'm coming from.  The way they believe you should meet in a decked out and bejeweled building that their hands have made and then they expect you to pay for it in installments called offerings and tithes.   

For those who haven't yet attended NTCC, but maybe you've been invited out and you're doing your due diligence by doing some online investigation and that's how our paths have crossed, then good on you.   And on that note, I  speak most especially to those in the military who might have an NTCC Servicemen's Home in the town where you're stationed.  I hope that the things I share will be enough to cause a high degree of skepticism to take hold in your mind.  I'd be overjoyed if your shadow never graces their doorway.  

They want you to "get in" with them so they can make the pitch that you should pay them money to stay in their servicemen's home under their rules to get away from those devils in the barracks.  Then, like the man in the audio clip below, they can shout and say: "So Much Money! Things are booming!"

I beg you not to.  You will regret it.


I'm going to leave you right now with an audio clip from the NTCC Facebook page live stream from Graham, WA that I watched last night.  It was great because the man preaching, George Jordan, has been around this group for forever and he said things last night that made me think he is trying to help me present my case.  And he did it on so many levels.   

For now though, it's about the money.  


Not souls.  


Later on, we'll look at all the ways the group has changed over the years when it comes to ministers out in the field and how they've remodeled how NTCC church business gets done.

In this clip, taken from the NTCC Live Stream   (I'm including the link so you can have the full context if you'd like) on June 23rd in Graham, WA, I was surprised at how readily George just belted out "there was so much money" - not one single word about all of the souls touched and how lives were changed and how god moved.   

It's stunning.  

This is just a 30-second clip.

I'll have more from this same service where we will also learn some interesting things about how easy it is to become a failure in god's eyes, or is it that it's so easy to become one in the organization's eyes?  

So, George proclaims how much money there was in the Tillicum church back some time ago-- when things were booming and there was So Much Money!  

To be continued.....................

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