Sunday, June 18, 2023

New Testament Christian Churches of America Past and Present

I may not have all of my boxes upon boxes of bible college notes, but I've been compiling a wealth of information from online and offline sources.    

My mission is to provide a static site with as much information as I can possibly cram in so that those seeking the truth about this organization can have more than enough proof that this is not a healthy place for any individual. 

Do they still publish a Trumpet each month?  This was one of the last ones we received before escaping this group and I have to say, it has always been filled with nothing substantial.  We'll go through it at some point.

I was going through my many notebook journals recently & came across this one. It was from the last conference we attended in Missouri...Fall 2005. I always took notes during the daytime sessions - mostly in shorthand.  I would write in it after the evening services when I returned back to my room.   I always made lists of people to pray for and maybe a little notation on something that was shared.---I'll share you some key things I noticed when I read through these notes. 

These are just some of my notes and source documents for what I plan to post here and on YouTube.  
At this juncture in time, my desire is to post something each day.  Once everything is added, I hope this will become a helpful resource as you make decisions about NTCC or find validation for why you left or why you'd like to leave.   

For those considering a visit to one of the NTCC churches, I urge you to not do it, especially if you are in the military.  They will manipulate the fact that you are away from home and that you are already a part of the military structure of conforming and obeying commands and they adore your steady paycheck.   If you are a single G.I.--they will at some point ask you to reside in one of their servicemen's homes.  They will make it seem like a good deal fiscally and also a good deal because you will be in an environment which is more pure than the barracks.   

As with anything, it's always easy to sign up, but way, way more difficult to leave.  
Just because folks can come across as being nice and maybe good cooks....doesn't mean you should pay them to bunk down in their structured environment.   Keep your money in your own pocket and your freedom of movement.   

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