Monday, June 19, 2023

Why Isn't the First Man Up Before the Throne of God Quoted ?

 I don't know whether they are doing this intentionally, but NTCC seems to be moving further away from the man-made rules and doctrines of R.W. Davis, the very founder of NTCC and moving way closer to the Southern Baptist way of doing things.  Outwardly.  I'll get into that another time, but for now I'm curious about something which might seem mundane and not worthy of looking at, but I find it extremely interesting.

As I've done my research and looked at all of the Facebook pages of each individual church in this group, I noticed Davis is never quoted on their cutesy posters.  

What do I mean by posters?  

Here are a few I chose from one of the NTCC churches on their public Facebook page:

Each one of these posters represents a post on the Glendale, AZ page.

This doesn't cause NTCC to stand out as a great move of god on the earth, but makes them
appear to be very much like they're trying to emulate the Baptists. They blend in.  It's so vanilla and boring.   
Someone somewhere is churning out these posters in the organization, either that or they are copying them from other locations, which in this day and age doesn't make sense because they're so easy to make

Many of the posters on the Facebook pages of most of the churches, have quotes of 
Charles Spurgeon.  The dude died in 1892. 
And it's not that he can't be quoted, but most of the posters consist of his quotes and 
Corrie Ten Boom-- also dead.  
Is there not a living or recently deceased person who can be quoted as well?
Someone in this Organization?

Why primarily these two dead individuals? 

Did R.W. Davis, the man we were told regularly by Olson and
Kekel,  was the first man up before the throne of god on this earth, not say anything quote-worthy? 

Was thee man.
 Allegedly chosen to stand before god to intervene and reach this whole earth. 
That's what we were taught and that's what was preached. 
Too many have heard to deny it at this point -don't bother.

So, here's my question? 

Where are the quotes of this great man of god?

Why haven't they immortalized his famous quotes and words of wisdom on posters?

Here are a few to get them started:

 - "I can't remember the last time I sinned" - 

- "I have never missed God" -

- "If you need more money, have more church services" -

- "The ministry is a business" -

- "If you have a problem with me; you have a problem with God" -

- "Don't bring homeless people to church; they don't have money" -

- "I've never seen a homosexual or a Puerto Rican get saved" -

- "If you do what I do, you can have what I have" -

- "No one has ever left this organization under the direction of the Holy Ghost" -

- "Don't expect me to get all excited when you come and tell me that your wife's pregnant" - 

And my personal favorite:

I first heard this when Davis visited the Philippines back in or around 1990.  I was stationed in the Air Force at the time.  My mind goes back to that scene in the livingroom in the Servicemen’s Home when he came for a visit. 

Deborah Blumenthal and Jean Keys labored in the heat of the kitchen of that off-base house which had no air conditioning in the Tropics in preparation for the arrival of the First Man Up Before the Throne of God. Sister Keys had the utmost audacity to bake a cake. While all of us were seated around the Fellowship Table, Davis sat completely by himself on a chair over in the living room...looking straight ahead....not even in our direction.

When asked if he’d like a piece of cake, He bellowed…..”I don’t like cake; I like pie”. 

If my mind wasn’t so pure at the time; I’m sure I would have whispered under my breath: “What a douche”. He behaved that way the whole time he was there. He was God’s prophet and he didn’t like cake and he liked pie.  A great time to ask yourself:  What Would Jesus Do?  

 I'm sure those ladies repented of their sins that night at the altar and I’m not being sarcastic.  I’m sure they did. And he, Davis, being the prophet of Almighty God that he claimed he was had to have his certain kind of instant coffee and with only so many teaspoons per cup….no more….no less. I recall the filipino sisters and how they schooled the rest of us ladies on how to do it properly so as to not make his Majesty upset…because if it wasn’t done right….he would be upset.   

He, as the minister, should have been serving us coffee and he should, at the very least, have been in the kitchen mopping the brows of those ladies who labored in the obscenely awful heat to serve him like he was some sort of Medieval King.  I think I recall Deborah frying bananas for banana cue....a delicious Philippine street food made by frying bananas in hot oil and then adding brown sugar to coat them.  That kitchen was stupidly hot.   We were melting in there.

As a relatively new Christian; I found his behavior to be incongruent with anything I ever read in the Bible about the behavior of Jesus Christ and it nagged at me….always.  Davis was the antithesis of Christianity and the Ministry he purported to be called “into”. We all knew it, but were afraid to speak it.   

 I have a sneaky suspicion that many of us spent a lot of time repenting at the altar for thinking unholy thoughts about the men and women of God in leadership of NTCC through the years, but none of us could relate these true feelings outwardly until we left. 

I still ask myself...."Why, Tracy, based on that one instance alone, did you continue to pursue the idea of going to his lame bible school?  

It plagues me.  It greets me in my nightmares and follows me around tapping me on the shoulder more often than I care to admit. 

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